support ypi

YPI’s motto is “Music Makes You Smarter”.

According to a recent study by Harvard University, kids who study an instrument after school are a whole year ahead of their peers as freshmen. In addition, the well-known “Mozart Effect” shows that studying music helps kids get higher grades, develop strong group interaction skills, as well as increased emotional intelligence and focus. And it is precisely these skills that free a developing mind to access joy, creativity, inner peace.

Please help us if you can! YPI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-deductible organization, and your donation is completely tax deductible. We hope you will feel it worthwhile to give generously!

Here’s what your donation could do:

$1000: provide a semester of YPI for a talented, low-income pianist in elementary school.

$500: fund a week’s salary for a dedicated YPI administrator whose time is, in fact, mostly donated.

$100: keep a YPI teacher’s income at a competitive rate for one month.

$65: match a donation from one of the YPI Scholarship Funds to provide a one hour lesson for an aspiring middle school drummer from the Canal District in San Rafael, CA.

$25: buy a set of new guitar strings plus two guitar picks for a high school intern who
attended YPI on scholarship as a kid and who now wants to give back.

You can donate as a one-time donor OR as a monthly or yearly sustaining supporter through our PayPal Donation Page.

No donation is too small. Please help us if you can!

With grateful thanks from all of us at YPI!
